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General Forum
1 0 Monday, 15-Mar-2010, 07:48
Thread: Registarion message
Posted by: MarinaLevy
Introduce Yourself !
Please introduce yourself so we can give you a warm welcome to the site!
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Learn Crochet - all questions about it
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Handmade Crafts - Amigurumi
Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures.
2 0 Sunday, 22-Jan-2012, 19:53
Thread: Amigurumi by Marina Levy...
Posted by: MarinaLevy
Amigurumi : Patterns
1 1 Saturday, 17-May-2014, 21:58
Thread: New Patterns - Coming SOON
Posted by: MarinaLevy
Amigurumi : Master-Class(Step-By-Step Instruction)
Step By Step Amigurumi Instruction.Only for registered users
1 0 Sunday, 31-Jan-2010, 10:28
Thread: Cute Mouse
Posted by: MarinaLevy

Additional information
Visitors: 1  (members - 0, guests - 1)
All-time high attendance 96 reached on Saturday, 08:16, 14-Jan-2017.
Forum statistics
Total of 5 threads created, which have 1 replies.
25 members registered. Greetings to our new member home.

Amigurumi Patterns

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